The best thing about Swagbucks is that you can decide how much and when you would like to work. It’s an excellent way to add extra cash to your base salary. Īlthough it might not replace your current income level, it is definitely worth trying Swagbucks data entry jobs out as a side income gig. She earned 42,530 SBs, which is equivalent to $425.3 USD, within one week.
And the results were over our expectations. Usually, they don’t pay per hour but instead per task or assignment.įor example, during the testing phase, one of our personal finance experts signed up for Swagbucks and decided to give it a try for one week, working from home 8 hours per day. Swagbucks is great because if you do a data entry job and feel like you need to take a break, you can opt to have fun on the platform and still get paid for it. Here are a few of the ways you can earn money with: They are our favorite platform because, unlike any other platform in this article, they offer various ways to earn and work from home. They are available in the following countries: the US, UK, Australia, Canada, Ireland, Germany, France, and Spain. If you are looking for a work-from-home data entry job, then you should try out our favorite platform- Swagbucks.